Newsletter: Western Juniper Industry Facilitator Hired

from the Western Juniper Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 1, Summer 1997.
Bill Breedlove, Klamath Falls, was hired last September to improve communication and facilitate profitable linkages between western juniper manufacturers, private landowners, and potential buyers of western juniper products. The position was advertised state-wide. Bill was the unanimous choice of the recruitment and selection committee. The two-year position is funded in part with a grant from the Oregon State Lottery, Regional Strategies Fund.
Bill has been involved with all aspects of western juniper commercialization since 1992, beginning at the then Sycan Forest Products mill (Dairy, Oregon) and later as a volunteer facilitator of western juniper technical and marketing projects for the U.S. Forest Service. His wood products work experience includes management, sales, production, and equipment fabrication and repair (millwright). He also has some great stories to tell about Alaskan and Persian Gulf oil platform and pipeline jobs.
Since September, Bill has put over 15,000 miles on his truck and personally contacted over 100 manufacturers and buyers. Some recent successes include closing the largest order for value-added western juniper products since the late 1980s (store displays) and network brokering orders for over 20 MBF of western juniper lumber into previously unexplored value-added niche markets (such as picture frame moulding and flooring). He also is playing a key role in trying to recruit an out-of-state firm interested in manufacturing juniper products to relocate to Eastern Oregon, with the potential of 10-12 jobs.
Bill is supervised by a subgroup of the Western Juniper Commercialization Steering Committee, representing small to medium private companies. The subgroup has greatly benefited from the assistance of Dick Handley, a business and marketing consultant who works on a part-time basis for the Oregon Economic Development Department.
Bill reports having "an even fuller plate" after the recent Western Juniper '97 Forum, due to the many business connections made and new subgroups being formed (see related article in this newsletter).
As Mike Connolly, Connolly Wood Products (Bend, Oregon) says: "Bill is the right person in the right place, doing the right things for everyone's benefit!"
Contact Information: Bill Breedlove, Western Juniper Industry Facilitator, 2029 Gettle, Klamath Falls, OR. 97603; Voice Mail and FAX 541/850-4317; Cell Phone 541/891-4506; Email