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- Potential for Utilizing Western Juniper (Juniperus occidentalis) Biomass for Oil Extraction and as a Fermentation Medium (2012, Sichamba et al., Forest Products Journal, 62(7/8):538-540)
- Toxicity Studies on Western Juniper Oil (Juniperus occidentalis) and Port-Orford-cedar oil (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana) extracts using local lymph node and acute dermal irritation assays (2004, Craig et al., Toxicology Letters, 154:217-224)
- Volatile Oil from Western Juniper (Kurth and Ross, 1954, Oregon Forest Products Laboratory)
- Investigation of Juniperus species of the United States for new sources of cedarwood oil (Adams, 1987, Economic Botany)
- Yields and Seasonal Variation of Phytochemicals from Juniperus species of the United States (Adams, 1987, Biomass)
- Termiticidal Activities in the Heartwood, Bark/ Sapwood and Leaves of Juniperus Species of the United States (Adams et al., 1988, Biochemical Systematics and Ecology)
- Western Juniper Oil Distillation and Marketing Project:
- Project Summary - (Swan, 1997, Juniper Forum '97)
- Full Report (Yesenofski, 1996, Report for The Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon)