Western Juniper Project Receives Oregon Governor's Award
Western Juniper - Hot Topics

"Economic Development Excellence Award
Governor John A. Kitzhaber
Industry Excellence Award 1997
Western Juniper Project"
Governor's Cup awards supplied by the Western Juniper Commercialization Project. Manufactured by Al DeGarmo, LaPine, OR, with laser engraving provided by Walters Personalization Services, Bend, OR.
Juniper Project Wins Governor's Award!
The 1997 Oregon Governor's Cup for Industry Excellence was recently awarded to the Western Juniper Industry Steering Committee and Eastern Oregon Regional Strategy Board sponsors (South Central, Central, North Central, and Baker-Malheur). Bill Breedlove, Juniper Industry Facilitator, accepted the award on behalf of the project's many partners at the Governor's Challenge of Change Conference, October 22nd in Hood River.
The Governor's Industry Excellence Award recognizes an organization or network of businesses that are champions in their industry, their contributions to improving their industry, and their leadership in bringing firms together.
The award was especially fitting because Bill arranged for the design and manufacture of all the Governor's Cup awards for the conference (turned, laser-engraved juniper cups), without knowing that the Western Juniper Industry Steering Committee would be a recipient.